This page provides a compendium of NSW Government open datasets that can be used to understand social and economic trends in NSW.
Wellbeing signals
Dataset | Description | Organisation |
Vulnerable population data | Data and reports on services for children, families, social housing, caseworkers, domestic and family violence Note: Research data may be available on request. |
Department of Communities and Justice |
NSW Recorded crime statistics | Statistics and graphs relating to the 62 offences BOCSAR reports on, with trends rates and ratios for LGAs and Statistical Areas. | BOCSAR |
Health open data | Aboriginal health, ambulance and emergency department performance, mental health, chronic disease, elective surgery alcohol and other drug use etc | Health |
Social signals
Dataset | Description | Organisation |
Education statistics | Attendance, school and class size, school locations and catchments, selective high schools entry scores | Department of Education Training |
Population projections | This dataset paints a picture of NSW’s population through to 2041, including: how many people are likely to be living in NSW, how old they are likely to be, and where in NSW they are likely to live. Note: DPIE undertook analysis on Population projections for COVID-19, which included intra-state migration. This may also be of use. |
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment |
Rent and Sales Report | The Rent and Sales report is the sole authoritative source of data on NSW rent movements. | Department of Communities and Justice |
Opal data | Public transport patronage data by mode and LGA from July 2016. | Transport for NSW |
Road network usage data | Continuous collection of road use statistics including annual average traffic counts, hourly traffic counts since 2006. Includes map viewer. | Transport for NSW |
Transport Performance and Analytics Data | Household survey, fare compliance survey, intrastate aviation patronage, monthly public transport patronage by mode | Transport for NSW |
Live traffic cameras | Image URL, GPS coordinates, and view description of traffic cameras in GeoJSON format. | Transport for NSW |
Economic signals
Dataset | Description | Organisation |
FuelCheck | FuelCheck provides real-time information about fuel prices at service stations across NSW. | Liquor & Gaming |
Freight data | Freight forecast, port, air and rail freight usage, road safety | Transport for NSW |
Last updated 09 Sep 2020