Age distribution of primary students in NSW government schools (2011-2020)
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year, with all primary school students considered to be full-time. From 2020, students in mainstream support classes are reported by their... -
Enforcement of compulsory school attendance (2011-2018)
Under Section 22 of the Education Act 1990, parents have a legal duty to ensure their school-aged children attend school. Where absenteeism is persistent and an attendance... -
Historical information about NSW government schools (1848-2019)
These datasets contain information about current and former government schools in NSW since 1848. Data notes: Schools that operated as various types of schools have multiple... -
NSW public school teachers by years of employment (2015-2016)
Data Notes: This data includes all ongoing, temporary and casual government school teachers in NSW. Based on the number of teachers employed on Census date as at June each year.... -
Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments by individual NSW government schools,...
Data Notes: Data is derived from the National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC), which is managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Enrolments are full-time equivalent... -
Student attendance rate by Aboriginality and year level (2012-2019)
The attendance rate is defined as the number of actual full-time equivalent student days attended by full-time school students in Years 1–10 as a percentage of the total number... -
Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teaching staff in NSW
The number of full-time equivalent teaching staff in NSW sector, school level and gender is available on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website.... -
Government school student attendance bulletin (2012-2019) 13
This CESE bulletin presents analysis of students attendance data at New South Wales government schools in semester one. Results are presented for primary and secondary students.... -
Student attendance rate by remoteness (2006-2018) - Discontinued
The attendance rate is defined as the number of actual full-time equivalent student days attended by full-time school students in Years 1–10 in Semester 1 as a percentage of the... -
Language participation for Years 7-9 by gender and school year (2012-2020)
Data Notes: The data includes only students learning a language on average for more than 1 hour per week for 35 or more weeks a year. Includes students studying a language... -
Government schools with heritage listed buildings and items (2020)
This dataset summarises the NSW Government school sites that have items of heritage significance and/or are within heritage conservation areas. Data is current as at 20 February... -
Schools with security fencing (1996-2016)
This dataset summarises the government schools that have partial or complete security fencing as of July 2016. Data Notes: An asterisk (*) denotes schools with partial fencing.... -
Master dataset: NSW government school locations and student enrolment numbers
The master dataset contains comprehensive information for all government schools in NSW. Data items include school locations, latitude and longitude coordinates, school type,... -
Number of students achieving the Record of School Achievement (2012-2020)
In 2012, the School Certificate was discontinued and replaced by the Record of School Achievement (RSA). The RSA is a record of a student’s achievements from Year 10 until they... -
Age distribution of full-time secondary students in NSW government schools...
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year from government schools. From 2020, students in mainstream support classes are reported by their underlying grade of enrolment.... -
Full-time apparent retention rate in NSW government schools by level of...
The full-time apparent retention rate (ARR) measures the proportion of a cohort of full-time students that moves from one grade to the next, based on an expected rate of... -
Number of enrolments in government schools (1848-2020)
This dataset includes the number of enrolments in NSW government schools from 1848 to 2020. Data Notes: Since 1993, some students have enrolled part-time. All enrolments are... -
Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2019)
This publication provides information on teacher dismissals for either proven allegations of misconduct or failing an improvement program in NSW government schools. Data Notes:... -
Primary students in NSW government schools studying a language other than...
Data Notes: The table includes data from the K-6 Community Languages Program (CLP) and the K-6 Languages Program (non-CLP) collections. Students may study more than one... -
Specialist support classes by school and support needs type
This dataset is an indication of current support classes operating in NSW public schools. It is not a definitive list of support classes available. For more information please...