Student numbers and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments in NSW government...
Data Notes: Early intervention classes provide early childhood education in a preschool setting for children with a disability. In NSW, most children receiving a preschool... -
Age distribution of primary students in NSW government schools (2011-2020)
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year, with all primary school students considered to be full-time. From 2020, students in mainstream support classes are reported by their... -
Age distribution of part-time secondary students in NSW government schools...
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year from government schools. Data excludes support students. Students in Years 11 or 12 can enrol to study as a part-time or full-time... -
Enforcement of compulsory school attendance (2011-2018)
Under Section 22 of the Education Act 1990, parents have a legal duty to ensure their school-aged children attend school. Where absenteeism is persistent and an attendance... -
School certificate completions in NSW public schools (2005-2011) - Discontinued
Data Notes: In 2012, the School Certificate was discontinued and replaced by the Record of School Achievement (RSA). The RSA is a record of a student’s achievements from Year 10... -
Full-time enrolments in distance education by year of schooling (2011-2020)
Since 1993 some students have enrolled part-time . All enrolments are reported in full-time equivalent units (FTEs) and include full-time and part-time students. Data Notes:... -
Number of students achieving the Record of School Achievement (2012-2020)
In 2012, the School Certificate was discontinued and replaced by the Record of School Achievement (RSA). The RSA is a record of a student’s achievements from Year 10 until they... -
Enrolments in support classes and schools for specific purposes by category...
Enrolments of students in support classes and in schools for specific purposes by category. Data Notes: Schools for Specific Purposes (SSPs) are for students with specific... -
Age distribution of full-time secondary students in NSW government schools...
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year from government schools. From 2020, students in mainstream support classes are reported by their underlying grade of enrolment.... -
Primary students in NSW government schools studying a language other than...
Data Notes: The table includes data from the K-6 Community Languages Program (CLP) and the K-6 Languages Program (non-CLP) collections. Students may study more than one... -
NSW public school February census full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments (2016-2020)
This data shows February census enrolment figures. All enrolments are self-reported in full-time equivalent (FTE) units and include both full-time and part-time students. Data... -
Enrolment of LBOTE students in NSW government schools by SA4 groupings (2013-2020)
Data Notes: LBOTE and total (headcount) enrolment figures are collected in March of each year. Most other collections use enrolment data that are collected as part of the Mid... -
Schools and students: statistical bulletin (1997-2020)
This annual statistical publication presents tables and charts about New South Wales schools and students. Data is from the census of both government and non-government... -
Enrolments of LBOTE government school students by largest language groups (2017-2020)
This dataset captures the diversity of students with a language background other than English (LBOTE) who are enrolled in NSW government schools. Data Notes: LBOTE students are... -
Religious persuasion reported on school enrolment forms in NSW government...
This dataset provides information about the religious persuasion of students at the aggregate level and for individual government schools as collected on the school enrolment... -
Selective high schools minimum entry scores (2021)
Entry into these schools in Year 7 is determined by the students’ results in the Selective High School Placement Test1 in English (including reading and writing), mathematics... -
Proportion of NSW students at or above the NMS for reading and numeracy (2008-2018)
The National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests are conducted in May for all students across Australia in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The national minimum standard... -
Enrolments (FTE) in NSW government schools by FOEI quarters and SA4...
Data Notes: Enrolments are from system extracts in April and are not mid-year census enrolments which are extracted in August. The Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI)... -
NSW government school HSC completions by aboriginality (2004-2019 and 2016-2020)
The Higher School Certificate is the highest educational award in secondary education in NSW. It is awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed Years 11 and 12 at... -
International students enrolled in NSW public schools by operational...
This dataset provides information on the number of international students enrolled in NSW public schools, categorised by operational directorate. In 2018, there were 5,038...