From Spatial NSW Transport Theme
Access API NSW Transport Theme Please Note WGS 84 = GDA94 service This dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 = GDA94] and can NOT be easily consumed... -
From Spatial Spatial Map Viewer
The Spatial Map Viewer application enables all users to reference and use the same source of foundation spatial data for policy, business, operational, research and personal... -
From Transport Train Station Entries and Exits Data
Counts of train station entries and exits, including monthly data, and 'typical day' samples. -
From Transport Opal Trips - Bus
This dataset contains Official Bus Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual boarding and alighting a bus) is aggregated to a total monthly... -
From Transport Opal Trips - Train
This dataset contains Official Train Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering & exiting a station), is allocated to a line and... -
From Transport Opal Trips - Light Rail
This dataset contains Official Light Rail Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering and exiting a Light Rail station), is aggregated to... -
From Transport Opal Trips - Ferry
This dataset contains Official Ferry Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering & exiting a wharf), is allocated to a route and... -
From Transport Opal Trips - All Modes
This dataset contains a consolidated view of Official Utilisation figures across all transport modes (train, metro, bus, ferry and light rail). Opal daily tap-on/tap-off data is... -
From Spatial HEV MidNorth Coast
No notes provided -
From Spatial HEV North Coast
No notes provided -
From Spatial HEV South Coast
No notes provided -
From Spatial HEV Central Coast
No notes provided -
From Spatial Default Web Scene
Add a description of the item. Use multiple paragraphs if necessary. Metadata TypeUpdate FrequencyContact DetailsRelationship to Themes and DatasetsAccuracyStandards and... -
From Spatial Warrawong_Community_Centre_Library
No notes provided -
From Spatial Warrawong_Community_Centre_Library
Add a description of the item. Use multiple paragraphs if necessary. Metadata TypeUpdate FrequencyContact DetailsRelationship to Themes and DatasetsAccuracyStandards and... -
From Spatial NSW Incident Map
The application shows the location of incidents across NSW. Metadata TypeWeb ApplicationUpdate FrequencyAs RequiredContact DetailsContact us via the Spatial Services Customer Hub -
From Spatial Historical Imagery 1975
Access API Historical Imagery 1975 Current and historic imagery form an important part of the NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework and provide a valuable resource which is... -
From Spatial Historical Imagery 1978
Access API Historical Imagery 1978 Current and historic imagery form an important part of the NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework and provide a valuable resource which is... -
From Spatial Historical Imagery 1955
Historical Imagery 1955 Current and historic imagery form an important part of the NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework and provide a valuable resource which is widely accessed... -
From Spatial Historical Imagery 1971
Access API Historical Imagery 1971 Current and historic imagery form an important part of the NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework and provide a valuable resource which is...