From data.gov.au SA State Boundary - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital State Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the cadastre data from each state and territory jurisdiction and are available below. State... -
From data.gov.au Directory.gov.au export
The purpose of Directory (directory.gov.au) is to provide a guide to the structure, organisations and key people in the Australian Government. A new and improved... -
From data.gov.au Proportion of population living below national poverty line, by sex and age
The most common poverty measures, including that used by the OECD, focus on income based approaches. One of the most common measures of income poverty is the proportion of... -
From data.gov.au Proportion of domestically generated resources allocated by the government...
Unlike most other countries in the OECD, the social security payment system is funded through government revenue; it is not based on past contributions and is not capped or time... -
From data.gov.au Job Placements
The jobactive Job Placements table provides data on jobactive job placements. The table includes provider information, vacancy details, job seeker characteristics at the time of... -
From data.gov.au Employment Fund
The Employment Fund (EF) table provides information on EF expenditure transactions for job seekers serviced in jobactive. The table includes jobactive provider information, job... -
From data.gov.au Data Dictionary for selected datasets in the Labour Market Information Portal (LMIP)
This file contains data dictionaries for the following datasets within LMIP (http://lmip.gov.au/): Summary Data Employment by Industry Employment by Industry Time Series... -
From data.gov.au City Plan Version 8
City Plan Version 8 open data layers. These layers are also available in Council’s City Plan interactive mapping tool. For further information on City Plan, please visit... -
From data.gov.au 2016 SoE Biodiversity Overall expenditure on biodiversity management by the...
Based on Australian Government Department of the Environment & Energy data. For more information, see Portfolio Budget Statements (2009-2016) at:... -
From data.gov.au NGSC Capital Works 1920 (Polygons)
Dataset describing capital works program polygons for Northern Grampians Shire Council. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is... -
From data.gov.au NSW State Boundary - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital State Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the cadastre data from each state and territory jurisdiction and are available below. State...