From data.gov.au Rainfall, temperature and wind forecast and observations - verification...
Historical rainfall, temperature and wind forecast and observations hourly data (2017-05 to 2018-04), used to compare and verify forecasting. Observations data is from a sample... -
From data.gov.au Agricultural commodity statistics 2016
This annual report is a compendium of historical statistics covering the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors. It provides a set of comprehensive statistical tables on... -
From data.gov.au Agricultural commodity statistics 2015
This annual report is a compendium of historical statistics covering the agriculture, fisheries, food and forestry sectors. It provides a set of comprehensive statistical tables... -
From data.gov.au Job Placements
The jobactive Job Placements table provides data on jobactive job placements. The table includes provider information, vacancy details, job seeker characteristics at the time of... -
From data.gov.au Rainfall and temperature forecast and observations - verification 2016-05 to 2017-04
Historical rainfall and temperature forecast and observations hourly data (2016-05 to 2017-04), used to compare and verify forecasting. Observations data is from a sample of 518... -
From data.gov.au Agricultural commodity statistics 2014
This annual report is a compendium of historical statistics covering the agriculture, fisheries, food and forestry sectors. It provides a set of comprehensive statistical tables... -
From data.gov.au Australia's agricultural industries 2016
Overview Australia's agricultural industries 2016 map provides a snapshot of agriculture's status and trend. It shows where Australia's broad agricultural land uses are located... -
From data.gov.au Historical Taxation Statistics
Scanned copies of Taxation Statistics publications, 1959-60 through to 1993-94. Please note some of these files are quite large and may take some time to download. -
From data.gov.au Ballarat Historical Naming Index
This resources it the present, former and proposed street and locality names within the City of Ballarat. The list includes the origins of the names where possible, however this... -
From data.gov.au Historical Images - City of Greater Geelong
Historical images of Geelong showing central Geelong, development of Market Square and Westfield. Other significant buildings include City Hall and Geelong War memorial. Images... -
From data.gov.au Australia's agricultural industries 2017
Overview Australia's Agricultural Industries 2017 map provides a snapshot of agriculture's status and trend. It shows where Australia's broad agricultural land uses are located... -
From data.gov.au Agricultural commodity statistics 2017
This annual report is a compendium of historical statistics covering the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors. It provides a set of comprehensive statistical tables on... -
From data.gov.au Adornment
Shows the location of Adornments within the CoGC area. Including Sculptures, Plaques, Art, Memorials, Graves, Historical Sites, Monuments and Statues.