Age distribution of students in preschools and early intervention programs...
Figures reported are children enrolled in a preschool program that is run by a NSW government school, mid-year. These government preschool classes provide full-time or part-time... -
Enrolments of LBOTE government preschool students by largest language groups...
This dataset captures the diversity of students with a language background other than English (LBOTE) who are enrolled in NSW government preschools. Data Notes: LBOTE students... -
Preschool and early intervention classes in NSW government schools
This dataset provides a list of both government preschools and early intervention classes across NSW in 2017. Data is valid as at August 2019. Data notes: There are currently... -
Student numbers and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments in NSW government...
In NSW, most children receiving a preschool education are enrolled at a government funded community preschool or in a Long Day Care centre. The NSW government operates 100...