Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teaching staff in NSW
The number of full-time equivalent teaching staff in NSW sector, school level and gender is available on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website.... -
Salary ranges for NSW government school teachers by gender (2015-2016)
Data Notes: This data reflects all ongoing and temporary government school teachers in NSW. Data includes principals and school executive, and excludes casual teachers. Based on... -
Language participation for Years 7-9 by gender and school year (2012-2020)
Data Notes: The data includes only students learning a language on average for more than 1 hour per week for 35 or more weeks a year. Includes students studying a language... -
Number of students achieving the Record of School Achievement (2012-2020)
In 2012, the School Certificate was discontinued and replaced by the Record of School Achievement (RSA). The RSA is a record of a student’s achievements from Year 10 until they... -
Full-time apparent retention rate in NSW government schools by level of...
The full-time apparent retention rate (ARR) measures the proportion of a cohort of full-time students that moves from one grade to the next, based on an expected rate of... -
Secondary education schools by selective, specialist and co-educational...
Data Notes: Includes secondary schools and central/community schools. Secondary schools generally enrol students in Years 7 to 12, although some secondary schools only enrol... -
Gender NSW government school teachers (2013-2020)
Male and female teachers are employed in NSW public schools across all stages of learning. Data Notes: Teachers who were on leave without pay for 12 months or more at 30 June of... Results from other Australian data portals
From data.gov.au Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations
This data describes registered and deregistered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations. It includes for each corporation: registration status and status date... -
From data.gov.au WA public sector workforce profiles from 2013 on
This dataset profiles the WA public sector workforce as at 30 June each year, including information about age, diversity, salary, location, occupation and employment status. The... -
From data.gov.au WA public sector occupational profile
Occupational profile of the WA public sector as at the end of the financial year. Only occupational groups with 30 or more full time equivalents (FTE) are included. -
From data.gov.au Gender of insolvent debtors
Gender of insolvent debtors is an annual publication. AFSA use the data on gender provided by debtors on the Statement of Affairs. More information about the data is available... -
From data.gov.au Trade union membership and density by main job
Source: 6333.0 - Characteristics of Employment, Australia, August 2016 -
From data.gov.au Average hourly earnings of female and male employees by occupation
covers 2004 to 2017 annual data source: Australian Bureau of Statistics cat no. 6333.0 tbls 3 and 4.