This dataset shows the attendance rates for all NSW government schools in Semester One by alphabetical order.
Data Notes:
NSW student attendance data in Semester 1, 2020 is not comparable to previous years due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The NSW Government encouraged students to learn from home, where possible, for a seven week period from 24 March to 22 May. During this period, schools monitored engagement with learning to determine whether students were marked present. This changed the attendance measure.
The attendance rate is defined as the number of actual full-time equivalent student days attended by full-time students in Years 1–10 in Semester One as a percentage of the total number of possible student-days attended in semester one. Figures are aligned with the National Report on Schooling and the MySchool website.
In NSW government schools, attendance is calculated as (1 minus absences divided by enrolled days) multiplied by 100.
Data is suppressed "sp" for schools where student numbers are below the reporting threshold.
Data is not available "na" for senior secondary schools or other schools where no students were enrolled in Years 1-10.
Blank cells indicate no students were enrolled at the school that census year or the school was out of scope for attendance reporting.
Note: In 2018, NSW government schools implemented the national standards for student attendance data reporting. This resulted in a fall in attendance rates for most schools due to the inclusion of partial absences and accounting for student mobility in the calculation. Data from 2018 onwards is not directly comparable with earlier years.
Data Source:
- Statistical Unit, Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation