From Spatial NSW Basemap Vector Tile Navigation
NSW Basemap Navigation The NSW Basemap Navigation theme provides detailed road and street data symbolised with a custom minimal style over the NSW imagery layer. The web map is... -
From Spatial StrataHub
Access API The Strata Hub data product is a live dataset, updated weekly, that contributes to the Strata Hub service. The data combines aspects from the themes of Land Parcel... -
From Spatial NSW Basemap Vector Tile Light Grey
NSW Basemap Light Grey The NSW Basemap Light Grey theme includes minimal key data for localities, roads, hydrology, and landform with a light neutral background. The web map is... -
From Spatial NSW Basemap Vector Tile Dark Grey
NSW Basemap Dark Grey The NSW Basemap Dark Grey theme provides a dark background with minimal labelling and features key roads, hydrology, and highlights landcover and national... -
From Spatial NSW Basemap Vector Tile Greyscale
NSW Basemap Greyscale The NSW Basemap Greyscale theme provides a seamless state-wide map of roads, features of interest, localities, landcover, property boundaries, cultural... -
From Spatial Flood_Extent_2021
IA_20210320_Severe_Weather_NSW -
From Spatial National Native Title Register Custodial AGOL
Access API NNTT Custodial data -
From Spatial NSW Geocoded Addressing Theme - Address Point
Access API Geocoded Addressing Theme - Address Point Please Note WGS 84 service aligned to GDA94 This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which may result in... -
From Spatial NSW Geocoded Addressing Theme
Access API Geocoded Addressing Theme Please Note WGS 84 service aligned to GDA94 This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which may result in misalignments when... -
From Spatial NSW Geocoded Addressing Theme
Access API Geocoded Addressing Theme Please Note WGS 84 service aligned to GDA94 This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which may result in misalignments when... -
From Spatial Responsible Gambling NSW
No notes provided -
From Spatial NSW Flood Imagery Viewer
NSW Flood Imagery Viewer The NSW Flood Imagery Viewer is an Esri Web Application. It was built to bring together all relevant flooding event data available. The NSW Flood... -
From Spatial NSW Flood Imagery Map
NSW Flood Imagery MapThe NSW Flood Imagery Viewer is an Esri Web Application. It was built to bring together all relevant flooding event data available including data that is... -
From Spatial NSW Bush Fire Prone Land
Bush Fire Prone Land is mapped within a local government area, which becomes the trigger for planning for bush fire protection. Bush Fire Prone Land mapping is intended to... -
From Spatial Essential_Energy_Cables
Essential Energy Overhead Electrical Cables. 1. Any information or material provided in response to your request was developed by Essential Energy for Essential Energy’s sole... -
From Spatial Newcastle City Council
Newcastle city council data -
From Spatial NSW Imagery Theme
Access API NSW Imagery Theme Note: Export function is for the Mosaic Index only Raster format in currently not delivered via the Spatial Collaboration Portal. For... -
From Spatial NSW Positioning Theme Survey Mark GDA2020
NSW Positioning Theme Survey Mark GDA2020Please NoteWGS 84 = GDA94 serviceThis dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 = GDA94] and can NOT be easily consumed into GDA2020... -
From Spatial NSW Survey Mark
NSW Survey Mark Please NoteWGS 84 = GDA94 serviceThis dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 = GDA94] and can NOT be easily consumed into GDA2020 environments. A similar... -
From Spatial NSW Cadastre History Service
Access API NSW Cadastre History Service NSW Cadastre web service is a dynamic map of cadastral features extracted from the Land and Property theme of the NSW Foundation Spatial...