From Spatial Radius
Add a description of the item. Use multiple paragraphs if necessary. Metadata TypeUpdate FrequencyContact DetailsRelationship to Themes and DatasetsAccuracyStandards and... -
From Spatial Housing for Health projects by local health district 1997-2022
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From Spatial Spatial Collaboration Portal - DEMO Only
No notes provided -
From Spatial PNF Core Koala Habitat Map
The PNF Core Koala Habitat Map identifies areas where forestry operations under the Private Native Forestry Code of Practice for Northern NSW must not occur. Please... -
From Spatial NSW Features of Interest Category - Electricity Transmission Line
Access API NSW Features of Interest Category - Electricity Transmission Line Please Note WGS 84 = GDA94 service This dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 =... -
From Spatial NSW Strata Hub
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From Spatial Australia Boundary
Australia is the largest spatial unit in the Main Structure and in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). All ASGS boundaries aggregate to Australia. Further... -
From Spatial ERG Location APP
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From Spatial NRRA Flood Extent V7 20220420 NSW
The dataset consists of the flooding extent March 2022 flood in NSW. It utilises inundation data from Copernicus EMS (Radar), Sentinel-2 optical, VIIRS Satellite, high... -
From Spatial Waste_Management_Facilities
Access API This web service provides access to the Waste Management Facilities dataset and presents the spatial locations of all the known waste management, recycling and... -
From Spatial Kuranda Crescent Boundaries
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From Spatial Topo Map Index
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From Spatial Event Imagery Colour Infra Red
Event imagery for NSW in colour infra red -
From Spatial NSW Transport Theme - Runway
Access API NSW Transport Theme - Runway Please Note WGS 84 = GDA94 serviceThis dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 = GDA94] and can NOT be easily consumed into GDA2020... -
From Spatial NSW Features of Interest - Education Facilities
Access API NSW Features of Interest Category - Education FacilitiesPlease NoteWGS 84 service aligned to GDA94This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which may... -
From Spatial NSW 2019 Spot 6-7 Web Map Service
NSW 2019 Spot 6-7 Web Map Service Please NoteWGS 84 = GDA94 service This dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 = GDA94] and can NOT be easily consumed into GDA2020... -
From Spatial NSW BaseMap Legend
Add a description of the item. Use multiple paragraphs if necessary. Metadata TypeUpdate FrequencyContact DetailsRelationship to Themes and DatasetsAccuracyStandards and... -
From Spatial Baselines for Soil Health and Stability in NSW RFA Regions
This is a Storymap User Guide for the "Baselines for Soil Health and Stability in NSW RFA Regions" Webapp for the Natural Resources Commission. -
From Spatial Baselines for Forested Water Catchments in NSW
This is a Storymap User Guide for the "Baselines for Forested Water Catchments in NSW" Webapp for the Natural Resources Commission. -
From Spatial Baselines for Forested Water Catchments in NSW
The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee commissioned the University of Melbourne to deliver baselines, drivers and trends of water quality and quantity in NSW.Find out more...