Data is derived from the National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC), which is managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Enrolments are full-time equivalent (FTE). For the purposes of reporting, only students in Year 11 and 12 may be part-time. Hence there is no difference between "full-time" and "full-time equivalent" enrolments for K-10 or ungraded in NSW government schools.
Ungraded students are students who are not assigned to a particular grade. These students are often enrolled in support classes or schools for specific purposes (SSPs)
If a school has a total FTE enrolment greater than 5 for all its grades, then the grade-level FTE data is published.
If a school has a total FTE enrolment equal to or less than 5, the grade-level FTE data is suppressed and only the school level FTE data is published. Where only one grade at a school had a value of <=5, the ungraded cell has also been suppressed for privacy reasons. Where there are no ungraded students, the grade with the next lowest total is also suppressed.