From OpenGov Children's Guardian submission to the review of the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998
No notes provided -
From OpenGov Comment on the Regulatory Impact Statement and proposed draft Adoption Regulation 2015
No notes provided -
From OpenGov Submission to the statutory review of the Adoption Regulation 2003
No notes provided -
From OpenGov Multicultural Plan 2020 - 2023
No notes provided -
From OpenGov 2020 hindsight: the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. A special report under s31 of the Ombudsman Act.
In this report, we look back on the first 12 months of the pandemic and report on what we have seen, primarily through the lens of complaints we received from individuals about... -
From OpenGov Law Enforcement Conduct Commission - Operation Monza
Report into the investigation of NSW Police Force officers involved in the harassment and intimidation of a NSW legal practitioner. -
From OpenGov Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Report - Operation Kadenwood
Report into the investigation of NSW Police Force officer using excessive or unreasonable use of force during the arrest of a female civilian. -
From OpenGov Sydney Gateway road project : communication strategy
This Communication Strategy (CS) describes how the John Holland Seymour Whyte Joint Venture (JHSWJV) will manage the delivery of community and stakeholder involvement through... -
From OpenGov Coffs Harbour regional boat ramp : submissions report
This submissions report relates to the review of environmental factors (REF) prepared for the Coffs Harbour Regional Boat Ramp and should be read in conjunction with that... -
From OpenGov New Grafton bridge : post-construction operational noise report
The Clarence River Bridge Crossing project in Grafton involved the construction of a new bridge crossing over the Clarence River in Grafton to improve traffic flow for the areas... -
From OpenGov North Sydney Wharf upgrade : submissions report
Transport for NSW is proposing to upgrade North Sydney wharf (the proposal) as part of the Transport Access Program (TAP). The proposal includes both landside and waterside... -
From OpenGov Road user handbook
The Road User Handbook is essential reading for anyone learning to drive. It aims to prepare you for the challenges of driving and reduce your risk on the road. The handbook can...